Beauty Diary: Go-To Face Case

Face Case Diary

Trying out the new Go-To Face Case. Image writer’s own.

Hello, I am back with another round of beauty diary-ing. This time I’m putting the silk pillowcase, Face Case from Go-To skincare through its paces. For those not familiar with Go-To, it is the brainchild of Australian wonder woman, Zoe Foster Blake. Go-To came about when Zoe, former beauty editor wanted to introduce no-nonsense, effective, gentle skincare that is cruelty-free and natural. Like Zoe, each product comes loaded with a special shot of her terrific sense of humour and copy. We received a container of chocolate sleeping ‘pills’ with this silk case, designed to keep us wide awake.

Face Case promises wealth, sweet dreams of Ryan Gosling playing piano in La La Land, static-free locks and a face in better condition than if you were to opt for crinkly cotton pillowcases. Some of these claims may be fabricated. This diary though will reveal the truth and nothing but the truth. Sorry, this writer has been watching True Crime Story. Can you tell?

Saturday 17th June: Selfie session initiated so you can see what I ABSOLUTELY wake up like, see visual aid. Eyeshadow applied mid-snooze and all. First impressions: Wow. It’s so comfortable and like a hug for my head. Let’s see how my hair, which at the moment is reaching Hermione Granger frizz levels, looks in the morning.

Sunday 18th June: We all know second day hair is the best. Slightly tousled, a bit more texture. We love it. Usually my hair looks like I’ve run through an electric fence but this morning my hair sat normally. Success! My moisturiser wasn’t all over the pillow either.

Monday 19th June: There’s something seriously luxe about this silk pillowcase business. It’s also nice seeing ‘hi cute face’ when I wake up. Thank for the compliments, Zoe.

Tuesday 20th+Wednesday 21st June: Fully converted to the Face Case life. I swear it’s helping me sleep better too. As I write this I have just been sent a silk eye mask, which coincidentally is Go-To peach coloured. Now I can totally pretend I’m Blair or Serena from Gossip Girl.

Thursday 22nd June: My hair was a bit voluminous this morning. This is possibly thanks to the wave spray I overzealously applied Wednesday afternoon. Again though, no static hair or skincare residue all over the pillow.

The verdict: It’s very early days, six days on but I am obsessed with Face Case. Aside from the aesthetically pleasing factors of pretending you’re living a luxe life, my hair has been frizz-free and shinier. I feel like the general appearance of my skin has been better too. As for whether it aids the minimisation of wrinkles, come back in twenty years(!). Face Case is such a smart beauty product to have in your possession, as Go-To say. I will definitely be repurchasing this when mine is on its last legs.

Face Case will set you back $70 from Shipping to New Zealand is free over $95. We recommend you throw Pinky Nudey Lips $19 and the new Super Handy hand cream, $23 into your virtual basket too.

Sophie Putze also writes at Nana Wintour.