Annah Stretton set to Flourish

Annah Stretton’s latest book Flourish. Image supplied.

Annah Stretton released her latest book Flourish late last year and it’s a beautiful tome filled with stunning imagery, quotes and advice from high profile women.  Annah is best known as an established fashion designer with a number of boutiques throughout the country and high profile shows at New Zealand Fashion Week but she has also been an author and publisher for many years with Flourish her sixth published book. She also releases a steady stream of blogposts on various business subjects on her Unlimited website.

Flourish is part coffee table book and part ‘how to’ guide for those who are looking to follow their lives and create a life they love. Inspiring other women has long been a theme in Annah’s life and career so it’s no surprise that she wasn’t short on advice or successful women to turn to for great quotes.

“Over the last 25 years I have made thousands of connections with all sorts of women from all sorts of demographics. Some have been employees, some have been women I have mentored, and others have simply been women I’ve shared a conversation with,” says Annah. “Yet despite their diversity, many seemed to have one thing in common – living lives that didn’t quite make them feel alive or fulfilled. My work with RAW (Reclaim Another Woman) has enabled me to gain a newfound understanding of other’s daily ‘normals.’ Until making this connection I pretty much assumed that most people had the opportunities and the mind-set that I enjoy each day, it was simply how we all chose to use them. I now know through RAW, this is not the case – it is these insights that I have drawn upon and share in Flourish. If I can encourage even one woman to begin moving towards a life that she truly loves then it will have been worth it!”

Among the wonderful women featured in Flourish is Michele A’Court who is one of New Zealand’s best-known comedians and a friend of Annah’s. “I’ve known Annah for nearly 20 years now – I came for the frocks, and stayed for the wisdom, and heart, and sheer bloody-minded ‘getting things done’ attitude,” adds Michele. “In these pages, Annah reveals how that works for her. And she has also gathered together a truly great bunch of women – some you’ve heard of, some who will be new to you – to tell their stories about creating the life they want. Real stories from real people who are finding a way to flourish.”

Flourish is available to buy in Annah Stretton stores and online for $49.