A quick word with Rebecca Taylor

rebeccataylorHow is Rebecca Taylor riding out the recession?

We feel good about our position in the market for Spring and Fall. We are a key vendor to many of our retail partners and as such have increased our market share. Our Spring 2009 sell through has been positive so we are cautiously optimistic.

Do you get back to New Zealand at all?

I don’t get to visit as often as I’d like. A 22 hour flight is not exactly ideal for 3 babies under the age of 3.

Do your NZ origins ever have an influence on your designs?

Growing up my mum made all our clothes. We were always dressed in white eyelets, pin-tuck dresses and patchwork. She has had a great influence on my design aesthetic.

In the Pink is a Breast Cancer fundraiser – have you any personal experience of loved ones suffering the disease?

No, thankfully!

A Rebecca Taylor style tip for FashioNZ readers?

A little lipstick goes a long way!